Migration from old Bookly to new Bookly Pro

The migration process is automated, easy, and won’t take you more than a minute. To perform a successful migration from Bookly to the new Bookly with the Pro (Add-on), we strongly recommend using the built-in Migrator.

We suggest backing up your Bookly data and add-ons (if any) to help restore your data if something goes wrong. To back up your database, use this instruction or any convenient method.

Follow these steps:

  1. In the Plugins section of your WordPress admin panel, download the latest update for Bookly.
  2. After updating, navigate to the Migrator page within the Bookly menu.
  3. Follow the provided steps on the Migrator page to complete the migration.

If you’re updating to the latest version using FTP, read carefully and follow the instructions in this guide to prevent data loss and corruption.

After migration, you’ll have two plugins installed – Bookly (the required free basic version) and Bookly Pro (the add-on with advanced features). All your settings and appointments will be preserved and can be used as before.


If you use the Multisite (Add-on) and Bookly is not active on the main website or not Network active, an additional step is required before the migration. Firstly, you need to activate Bookly on the main website, and only after that you can proceed to use the migrator page.

If you encounter any errors, experience difficulties, or have any questions, feel free to contact our support team via support@bookly.info.


While we thoroughly test our code before any update, we cannot guarantee that there won't be any issues in your installation due to the interactions with other plugins. According to the rules of the Envato marketplace, technical assistance is available only during the item support period. If you haven't updated Bookly for a long time, before downloading the latest version, we recommend checking your support period for Bookly Pro and extending it if necessary. This will enable us to provide prompt support and a quick fix if needed.

Troubleshooting the most common issues

Migration process freezes on 3 or 4 step. The website is giving HTTP Error 500.

Bookly add-ons don't work after update. What can I do?

Why email notifications are not populated with the booking information?

For more info, see our FAQ section.


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