The zoom_oauth_token is generated in Bookly > Settings when linking Bookly to your Zoom App. This token is used for staff members who have the 'Default' option chosen in the Zoom integration field (Staff Members > Edit > Advanced tab).
If you configure individual Zoom accounts for each staff member, selecting the 'OAuth2.0' option on their profile, a unique zoom_oauth_token is generated for that staff member. This may lead to the error 'Zoom: Access token is expired' during appointment creation for staff members previously connected to the same Zoom account.
To resolve this issue, review the staff profile card and verify the type of connection. If 'Default' is selected, refresh the token in Bookly > Settings > Online Meetings by clicking Disconnect OAuth and reconnecting.
If 'OAuth2.0' is selected, disconnect the staff member from Zoom on their profile card and reconnect to refresh the token.