Working Hours, Holidays, Breaks

Basic scheduling settings can be set up for the whole company and then customized for each staff member.

Company Settings

In Settings > Business Hours, set up the default opening and closing hours for each day of the week.

Note that if you enable "Show only business hours in the calendar" in Settings > Calendar, business hours will be used as the visible hours in the Calendar for all staff members.

In Settings > Holidays, mark the days of the year when your business is closed.

*These settings will serve as defaults for all new staff members created from this point onward, but they won't impact existing staff schedules.

Staff Settings

Each new staff member created will by default have the same holidays and working hours as determined in company-wide settings.

Customize that on their pages in Staff Members > [staff member] > :

  • > Schedule: Set working hours and breaks for each day of the week.
  • > Days Off: Specify non-working days that differ from the company holidays.



Special Days (Add-on) – creates non-recurring days with working hours that are different from the weekly settings you've done for the staff member.

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