Google Maps Address Add-on


All add-ons for Bookly require Bookly PRO installed and activated.

Experience seamless address entry with the Bookly Google Maps Address (Add-on). Enable this feature to empower your customers to quickly and accurately fill out address forms during the booking process using Google Maps autocomplete service.

As users start typing, real-time suggestions for street addresses and business names streamline the process, reducing errors and enhancing efficiency.

Bookly booking form with Google Maps autocomplete feaure

Setup and configuration

1. Purchase, download and activate the Google Maps Address (Add-on) in Plugins.

2. In Bookly, open Settings > Google Maps.

To obtain a Google Places API key, follow these steps:

    1. Go to the Google API Console.
    2. Create a new project or select an existing one. Click Continue to enable the API. Select Google Places API Web Service from the dropdown list and click the button to proceed.
    3. On the Credentials page, obtain an API key and set the necessary restrictions. Note: If you have an existing unrestricted API key or one with server restrictions, you may use it.
    4. Navigate to the Library section on the left sidebar menu. Ensure that both Google Maps JavaScript API and Google Places API Web Service are enabled.

3. In Bookly > Appearance > Details tab, ensure that the checkboxes next to Show address fields and Show google maps field are selected to display the necessary address fields.

Appearance section in Bookly – Details tab

Appearance section in Bookly – Search form

4. To customize the address fields displayed to customers, go to Settings > Customers > Customer's address fields. Uncheck any address fields you don't require from the client in the booking process.

Bookly Settings – Customers

If your Google Maps search in the booking form stops after several attempts, you may have exceeded your daily request quota for the Google Maps API. To resolve this issue:

  1. Check if your project has an active billing account by visiting:
  2. If you didn't set a custom daily request quota, consider adjusting your settings accordingly. For more details on usage limits and the Google Maps JavaScript API services, visit:

To experience the functionality of the Bookly Google Maps Address (Add-on), try our free live demo.



Customer Information (Add-on) – extend customer profile with custom data.

Files (Add-on) – allow customers to add multiple attachments at the time of booking.

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