Bookly Mobile App

Please note that the Bookly Staff Cabinet Mobile App is currently in early access, available for Android devices only, and has limited functionality in its first version. Our team is actively working on additional features.

Use the Bookly mobile app to empower your staff members with convenient appointment and client management capabilities.


    • Calendar: Comprehensive view of staff daily appointments through convenient format.
    • Appointments: View, create, or reschedule bookings effortlessly.
    • Customers: Effectively manage your client database, accessing specific client details, and easily add or update client information.
    • Instant Synchronization: Changes made in the mobile app are promptly reflected on your WordPress website, ensuring a smooth and seamless operation.

Bookly Staff Cabinet Mobile App


1. Download the app for your device from Apple Store (coming soon) / Google Play.

2. In your Bookly Cloud account > Products, click on the Get started button near the Staff Cabinet Mobile App.

3. After activation, go to the Bookly Cloud > Staff Cabinet Mobile App section and click the New access token button.

4. Select a staff member you would like to provide access to the Staff Cabinet Mobile App. Click Save.

Bookly Staff Cabinet Mobile App section

5. A new record will appear in the Access token column. Share the created token with your staff member.

Bookly Staff Cabinet Mobile App section

You can send an email with this token by checking the Send notifications button. Make sure to enable the New staff member's Staff Cabinet mobile app access token details notification template in the Email Notifications section.

Email Notifications section in Bookly

6. A staff member should open the Bookly Staff Cabinet mobile app on their device and enter the provided token on the first screen.



Bookly Cloud Products – explore our cloud services that work for your business.

Staff Members – your team members who directly work with your clients to provide services.

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