
Staff members in Bookly are your team members who directly work with your clients to provide services. The plugin requires at least one default staff account for proper functionality. Team members can access their individual calendars in Bookly through their corresponding WordPress accounts.

Create and edit staff members in your Bookly > Staff Members.

Staff Members section in Bookly

The order of staff members in your booking form

To arrange the order of staff members in your booking form, click on the Staff members order button and use drag & drop to set up the desired order. You can reorder this list at any time.

Staff members order in Bookly

Table settings

Click on the eye icon in the upper right corner of the page to select the columns you want to include in the Staff members table. You can then reorder the columns using the drag & drop option.

Staff members section in Bookly – table settings

To enhance management, you can organize staff members into Categories. To create a category, click Categories > Add category. Each category can include an image or photo along with a description. This information can be inserted in notifications by using the {staff_category_info} code.

Properties of Staff Members

Note that all settings described below are available with the Bookly Pro (Add-on) installed and activated. The free version of Bookly has limited functionality.

Staff member card in Bookly

Full Name

Visible to clients during the booking process.


You can display staff images in email notifications and your booking form using the {staff_photo} code. In modern booking forms, staff images are automatically displayed.

Staff photo in Bookly booking form

WP user

If your employees are registered as WordPress users, you can link them to staff profiles by choosing from the drop-down menu. An user with an "Administrator" role will gain access to the calendars and settings of all staff members, while a user with a different role will only have access to their personal calendar and settings. Leaving this field blank will restrict the staff member from accessing the calendar via the WordPress backend. For further information on staff access to the WP admin panel, refer to this guide.

To add a WordPress user, navigate to the Users section in the WordPress dashboard or opt for 'Create WordPress user' from the User drop-down.

Staff member card in Bookly – Create WordPress user

Determine the role assigned to newly created WordPress user accounts for staff in Settings > User Permissions > New staff account role.

Ensure that you activate the New staff member's WordPress user login details notification template in Email Notifications. This will notify staff members of their WordPress user login details.

Email, Phone, Info

You can include staff contact details such as Email, Phone, and additional information in the booking form or client notifications. The email address can also serve for staff notifications.

You can add multiple email addresses for a staff member by entering them in a row and separating each address with a comma.

To integrate staff description into your online booking form, go to Appearance > Step by step form > Time step, click on the underlined text to edit, and insert the {staff_info} code in your content. This ensures that relevant details are displayed during the booking process.


Assigning a unique color to each staff member makes it easier to view and recognize their appointments in the Bookly Calendar, especially if you have configured the system to color-code bookings by staff. This visual distinction enhances the clarity of your schedule and allows for quick identification of each staff member's appointments.

Staff member color in Bookly


Choosing the "Private" visibility option means that the staff member won't appear in the list of available employees during the first step of the booking process for clients. However, you, as the administrator, will still be able to add appointments with that staff member in the backend calendar. This setting is useful when you have internal staff or specific team members not intended for public selection during the booking process.


Assigning a category to a staff member is for internal use only and is not visible to customers on the front-end booking form, except for the Staff booking form design. This categorization helps in better organizing and managing your staff members within Bookly.

Available payment methods

You can choose a custom payment method available for this staff only. For instance, you may disable the Local payment option for employees who provide virtual appointments.

Limit working hours per day

Allows limiting the total time occupied by bookings during the day for a staff member.

ICalendar feed

If enabled, you can get the URL to a staff member's appointments and use it in other calendars.

Zoom integration

If you run online meetings, you can choose here whether to use a default or personal staff account for video conferencing.

Google Calendar integration

If you want to integrate Bookly with Google Calendar, you can choose whether or not to synchronize that staff member's appointments.


The staff member's schedule will be considered to be in the selected time zone. This time zone will also be used for the dates and times in notifications sent to the staff member.


Choose all if they can provide all kinds of appointments, or link them to just a few. You can override the default service price for specific staff members.

Staff member card in Bookly – Services

Schedule & Days Off 

By default, everyone has the same schedule as the whole company. Each staff member can have their individual working days, hours, and breaks, as well as holidays.

Staff member's schedule in Bookly

Staff member's days off in Bookly

You can archive staff members without deleting their appointment history and losing the data associated with them. Archived staff members will be hidden from the list of service providers and in Bookly Calendar.

To filter archived staff members in a list, click Show archived at the top of the list.

Archived staff members in Bookly

To dearchive staff members, click Edit, change the Visibility to public/private, and click Save.

Staff member card in Bookly – Visibility settings

This video will show you how to set up a list of staff members with the services they provide.



Basic Setup

Critical Settings


Booking Form Appearance

Staff Cabinet (Add-on) – let your staff members manage their bookings without access to WordPress admin panel.


Google Calendar sync – to add new appointments to each staff member's Google Calendar, and block busy events in Google Calendar from being booked as Bookly appointments.

WordPress user access lets staff view a stripped-down version of the company's WordPress calendar with that staff member's appointments only. Also, lets them edit their personal info.

Notifications and reminders via email and text messages can be sent to staff, too.

Locations (Add-on) – if you have several offices/shops, where you provide services.

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