1. To add the booking form to your desired page, open it in page edit mode. You have several types to choose from:
- Add Bookly booking form: This option provides a step-by-step booking form with a classic design. Clients start by choosing a service and staff member before selecting a timeslot.
- Add Bookly search form: With this form, your clients begin by selecting a preferred date first, and then they can see which services and staff members are available on that specific day. Learn more here.
- Add Bookly services form: This form allows you to display services in a catalog view, making it easy for clients to browse through available services. Watch a setup video here.
- Add Bookly staff form: With this form, clients can select their preferred employee first and then view the services associated with that staff member. Read more here.
If you're using the Gutenberg editor, click the + icon and explore all available Bookly blocks.
2. Customize your booking form by selecting which fields to include or remove. Note that removing a field will hide it from the customer's view while retaining all associated information.
Customize modern booking forms (Search, Services, and Staff forms) in the Appearance section.
Within the Gutenberg editor, these settings can be found on the right side.
- Categories of services
- Services
- Employee
When any of these fields are hidden, you must choose a default value because each appointment requires these properties.
Number of persons – lets clients book multiple spots in the same appointment, like a group class. Requires Group Booking (Add-on).
If hidden, all appointments will be booked just for one person. - Date – preferred date and subsequent dates for offering time slots.
- Week days – specific days of the week for offering time slots.
- Time range – preferred appointment hours during the day. Customers will then be offered time slots within these hours only.
3. Click Insert, and the booking form will be added to your page.
If you'd like to have the booking form on multiple pages of your site, simply repeat the same steps for each page where you want to include the form.
All appointments generated from these booking forms will be centralized in one admin area – your Bookly Calendar and Appointments list.
Basic Setup
Custom Fields (Add-on) in Booking Form to ask custom questions and get more info from clients during booking.
Multisite (Add-on) – if you need to add the booking form to several websites of different businesses.
WPML Plugin Integration – to translate booking form interface and notifications from English into 40+ other languages.