Yes, you can place the Bookly booking form on multiple pages within the same WordPress website.
This allows you to insert the booking form wherever you need it – on various landing pages, service pages, or contact pages, for example. Simply paste the shortcode into the content area of any page or post where you want the booking form to appear.
Regarding placing the booking form on several websites, if these sites are all managed within a single WordPress multisite network, Bookly's functionality can extend across the network if configured to do so. You’ll need to get the Multisite (Add-on) for Bookly.
For entirely separate WordPress installations (i.e., separate websites not connected through a multisite network), you would need a separate Bookly installation for each site.
For each site where you wish to use Bookly, you'd need to install the plugin and configure it according to that site's specific needs.
Remember, if you're using Bookly Pro or any of Bookly's add-ons, you will need additional licenses for each domain.