Facebook Login

Facebook Login allows your customers to log in to your website using their Facebook credentials. If a client opts to log in with Facebook, the form fields for their name (or first and last name) at the Details step in a booking form will be automatically populated.

Bookly booking form – Details step

To enable authorization through Facebook, you must create and configure a Facebook App in your Facebook account beforehand.


1. Follow the steps at https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/register to create a Developer Account.

2. In the Apps section, click the Create App button. Select Other as the use case, and then choose Consumer as the app type.

Facebook app settings

Facebook app settings

Fill in the required information, including the app name and app contact email. Then click Create App.

Facebook app settings

3. In the Add products to your app section, find Facebook Login and click on Set up.

Facebook app settings

4. In the left sidebar, choose Settings.

5. Activate Login with the JavaScript SDK and input your website URL in the Allowed Domains for the JavaScript SDK field. Save the changes.

Facebook app settings

6. Copy the App ID from the top of the screen and paste it into Bookly > Settings > Facebook > App ID.

7. Navigate to the Appearance section in Bookly > Step-by-step form > Details tab. Enable the option Show Facebook login button.

Appearance section in Bookly

Now, in the Customers tab, a new Facebook column will appear (for non-widescreen monitors, press +), featuring a clickable Facebook icon that directs to the user's profile.



Customer Information (Add-on) – collect and store additional info about your clients.

Customer Groups (Add-on) – organize your customers into specific groups.

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