Multiply Appointments Add-on


All add-ons for Bookly require Bookly PRO installed and activated.

Let your clients determine the length of their appointments by booking several identical services in consecutive appointments. Multiply Appointments (Add-on) for Bookly can also be used for time-flexible services or for bookings by managers for several people in a row.

Bookly booking form – front end

User Experience

During the initial step of booking, there will be a new additional field (commonly called Quantity, but customizable via the Appearance settings). Here, customers specify the number of consecutive appointments they wish to schedule with a single provider for the same service.

Based on the provided quantity, the system offers available time slots capable of accommodating the requested number of back-to-back appointments with the same provider.

Setup and configuration

1. Purchase, download, install and activate the Multiply Appointments (Add-on) in Plugins.

2. In Settings > Multiply Appointments > Max quantity, set a maximum number of consecutive appointments that can be booked for a service.

Bookly Settings > Multiply Appointments

3. You can edit the Quantity field title in the Appearance section.

Appearance section in Bookly – Quantity field

Calendar and Appointments list will treat consecutive appointments as separate.

Bookly Calendar – consecutive appointments

Appointments section in Bookly – consecutive appointments


If you edit one of the identical appointments in a row, others will remain unchanged. So if you need to reschedule the whole chain, make sure you update each appointment manually.

However, the Payments list will bundle consecutive appointments booked together as one transaction.

Payments section in Bookly

Payment details in Bookly

If you prefer to send a single Email/SMS notification for the entire booking (for all items booked), rather than separate notifications for each appointment, use the {cart_info} code in relevant templates (New booking combined notification) when configuring automated messages in the notifications area.

Watch this video to see how it works:

Try this demo to get a better understanding of how the Multiply Appointments (Add-on) works.



Chain Appointments (Add-on) – select several services and get one time slot for back-to-back appointments.

Cart (Add-on) – book multiple different appointments for several independent visits.


Custom Fields (Add-on) – ask for more personal info during booking.

Keep Track of Appointments

[Bookly Blog] What’s the difference between Multiply Appointments (Add-on) & Custom Duration (Add-on)

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