Recurring Appointments Add-on


All add-ons for Bookly require Bookly PRO installed and activated.

With the Recurring Appointments (Add-on), clients can conveniently schedule a series of recurring appointments in one session. They can set the repetition interval, specify the last date, or define the number of recurrences, and a sequence of time slots will be automatically booked for the series.

Recurring bookings can be made by clients through the front end booking form or by administrators through the backend interface.

Watch this video to discover how to create recurring appointments with the Bookly Recurring Appointments (Add-on).


    • Service may support recurring appointments or not
    • Daily, weekly, or monthly repeat intervals
    • Time slots booked as close to preferred time as possible
    • Combined notifications for the series of bookings

Client Experience

After selecting the service and the date & time of the first appointment, users have the option to repeat the appointment.


The initial time chosen serves as the base time for all recurring appointments. If a time slot is unavailable for one occurrence, Bookly will offer the nearest available time after the preferred time for that instance.

If a staff member was selected during the first step of booking, all recurrences will be booked with the same staff member. If 'any' staff member was chosen, all staff members' calendars will be checked for each instance, increasing the chances of booking the preferred time slot for the entire series.

Setup and configuration

1. Purchase, download, install and activate the Bookly Recurring Appointments (Add-on) in Plugins.

2. Go to Settings > Recurring Appointments. Choose one of the payment options:

Customers must pay only for the 1st appointment – Subsequent appointments will be paid upon arrival.

Customers must pay for all appointments in series – Users will pay for all appointments upfront.


3. In the Appearance section > Step by step form, check the Show Repeat step option.


4. You can disable the 'how many times' field on the Repeat step (used for specifying the number of times the appointment should repeat). Select Hide times input. This simplifies the process for clients, who will only need to specify the end date and repeat interval.


5. In Services > Edit > Advanced tab > Repeat field, set the type of recurring appointment for a service.

Daily: Appointments are scheduled daily, except on selected employee's days off and during days of the week when none of the staff members are working.

Weekly/Biweekly: Appointments are scheduled weekly or biweekly.

Monthly: Multiple options are available for choosing the right date within the month:

Day of the month (e.g., on the 6th of each month).

Day of the week (e.g., Tuesday of the second week of every month).

Services section in Bookly – Repeat interval

When a recurring booking is not feasible (i.e., the Repeat option is disabled), the Repeat step will automatically be skipped in the booking form.

6. If you use the Bookly Group Booking (Add-on), in Settings > Recurring Appointments > Group appointments, you can configure whether customers can participate in group bookings when scheduling recurring appointments.



Administrators can add an entire series of recurring appointments directly from the Calendar or Appointments sections in the admin area: create a new appointment and specify the repeat interval.


Manage individual appointments or the entire series from the admin area: view, edit, and cancel them, similar to standard appointments.

When attaching payment to an appointment booked as part of a series, administrators can choose whether the payment is applied to the current booking only or to all recurring appointments associated with the client.


The Payments list will show the details of all booked appointments.


Edit from admin area

Edit each instance of recurring appointments using standard methods, whether from the calendar view or the list of appointments. Additionally, you can delete individual recurring appointments from the admin area and recreate them with updated information if necessary.



Cancel recurring appointments either individually or all starting from the selected instance.

To allow customers and staff to cancel a series of recurring appointments directly from email notifications, use the {cancel_all_recurring_appointments} or {cancel_all_recurring_appointments_url} codes in the notification templates. These codes generate links that enable users to cancel all repeated appointments conveniently.

View and edit a series of recurring appointments directly from the backend Calendar by hovering the mouse cursor over the appointment and clicking on the respective icon.


Manual conformation: if bookings are set by default with a 'pending' status, administrators have the option to manually approve the entire series of recurring appointments. Include the {approve_appointment_schedule_url} code in the email notification templates.

This example demonstrates how multiple bookings details can be listed in order on the Details step of the booking form.

You selected to book

{#each appointments as appointment}
{appointment.service_name} by {appointment.staff_name} at {appointment.appointment_time} on {appointment.appointment_date}

The total price of your booking is {total_price}.

Please provide your details in the form below to proceed with booking.



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