All add-ons for Bookly require Bookly PRO installed and activated.
Bookly Cart (Add-on) enables your clients to book multiple appointments in a single session by adding them to a cart.
The new Book More button will be added to the summary step of the booking process. Clicking this button redirects the user to the first step while preserving the current booking in the cart.
The admin area will handle these appointments separately. However, the Payments list will display the details of all booked appointments collectively.
Setup and configuration
1. Purchase, download, install and activate the Bookly Cart (Add-on) in Plugins.
2. In Settings > Cart, choose the columns you wish to display in the cart summary before booking confirmation. Uncheck the box to hide a column. You can also rearrange their order by dragging the sandwich icons.
3. To add a Cart step into your booking form, go to the Appearance section > Step by step form, and enable the Show Cart step option.
Within the Cart tab, you can adjust the placement of the Book More button, positioning it either above the cart summary or near the Next button.
To display information for every appointment booked on a separate line, use the each block when you edit the text on the Details step. For example:
You have booked
{#each appointments as appointment}
{appointment.service_name} by {appointment.staff_name} at {appointment.appointment_time} on {appointment.appointment_date}
4. If you prefer to send a single Email/SMS notification for the entire booking (for all items in the cart), rather than separate notifications for each appointment, use the {cart_info} code in relevant templates (New booking combined notification) when configuring automated messages in the notifications area.
The {location} and {staff} codes don't function in combined notifications because a combined notification may include multiple appointments, each having its own staff member and location. Therefore, these codes wouldn't accurately reflect the varied staff and location information across different appointments within the combined notification.
Try this demo to get a better understanding of how the Cart (Add-on) works.
Chain Appointments (Add-on) – for separate back-to-back appointments (different services, different providers).
Multiply Appointments (Add-on) – for separate identical back-to-back appointments (customer sets the number of appointments).
Personalized Active Bookings List Online – help clients manage their multiple appointments to reduce no-show.