Stripe Payments Add-on


All add-ons for Bookly require Bookly PRO installed and activated.

Integrate the Stripe payment gateway seamlessly into your Bookly system to process online transactions directly on your website.

With Stripe Checkout, your customers can conveniently pay for services right within the Bookly booking form using their credit cards, ensuring a smooth and streamlined payment experience.


Currently, Bookly Stripe (Add-on) is not supported in the modern booking forms. To use the Stripe Checkout feature in the Bookly modern forms, please activate the Stripe Payments option via the Bookly Cloud section.


1. Purchase, download and install the Bookly Stripe (Add-on) in Plugins.

2. Before proceeding, ensure you have a Stripe account.

3. In Bookly Settings > Payments, enable the Stripe payment option.

4. Enter the Secret Key and Publishable Key obtained from your Stripe account to establish the connection. These keys can be found either on the main screen of the Dashboard or under Developers > API keys.

Stripe settings

Stripe settings

5. In the Dashboard's Webhooks settings section (Developers > Workbench > Webhooks), click Create new endpoint and set the current API version.

Stripe settings

6. Select Events on your account. Add the following events:


Stripe settings

7. For the Endpoint URL, enter the URL provided in your Bookly settings as the destination for events: http://[your-website-address]/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=bookly_stripe_ipn. Click Create destination.

Stripe settings

8. The price correction feature allows you to adjust the booking cost by adding a fee or discount when a customer selects this payment option.

9. The time interval of the payment gateway determines the duration after which the payment made via the payment gateway is considered incomplete. If the customer doesn’t complete the payment within the configured period, the appointment will be rejected. Please note that this functionality requires a scheduled cron job.


Live Stripe integrations require the use of HTTPS. For detailed information, refer to the Stripe Docs.

To rearrange the order of payment options displayed on the front-end booking form drag the sandwich icon next to the desired payment option to move it up or down the list.

Settings > Payments in Bookly Pro



Learn more about payment options – if you want to let your clients choose a payment method.

Deposit Payments (Add-on) – divide payments for appointments.


Pricing capabilities – learn more about setting up prices for your services.

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