Discounts Add-on


All add-ons for Bookly require Bookly PRO installed and activated.

Bookly Discounts (Add-on) requires either Bookly Group Booking (Add-on) or at least one of the following Bookly add-ons: Bookly Cart (Add-on), Bookly Chain Appointments (Add-on), Bookly Multiply Appointments (Add-on), or Bookly Recurring Appointments (Add-on) to be installed and activated. These add-ons enable clients to book multiple appointments per session.

With Bookly Discounts (Add-on), you can configure conditional discounts that are applied during checkout if the booking details meet the criteria you define.

Currently, there are two conditions available to create a pricing rule that reduces the cost of the booking:

  • Number of persons in the appointment
  • Number of appointments booked in one session

Setup and configuration

1. Purchase, download and install the Bookly Discounts (Add-on) as a new plugin.

2. In the Bookly menu, open the Discounts section. Click on the Add discount button.

There will be several fields to fill out.

Title: This field requires a descriptive name for the type of discount you are creating.

Discount % (percentage off the entire order) and Deduction (fixed amount off): These fields can be used separately or together in one discount, for instance, offering 10% off or a fixed deduction like $10 off.

Date limit (from and to): This specifies the time period during which the discount can be used.

State: This determines whether the created discount is Enabled or Disabled.

Condition to apply the discount: This field outlines the rule based on which the discount will be applied.

If number of personscan be used if you have Bookly Group Booking (Add-on) installed and activated. This type of discount can be bound to all or selected services.

This discount will be applied to each service separately.

For example, if you set equals or exceeds = 3, in order for your customer to receive this discount, they must book an appointment for at least 3 people at once.



This screenshot displays the booking form with Bookly Cart (Add-on) installed and activated

If number of appointmentscan be used if you have at least one of the Bookly add-ons that allow your clients to book multiple appointments in one session, i.e. Bookly Cart (Add-on), Bookly Chain Appointments (Add-on), Bookly Multiply Appointments (Add-on), Bookly Recurring Appointments (Add-on).

The discount of this type will be applied to the entire order.

For example, if you set equals or exceeds = 2, in order for your customer to receive this discount, they must book at least 2 appointments in one booking session.



This screenshot displays the booking form with Bookly Cart (Add-on) installed and activated

Payment details will show information about applied discounts if there are any.



If multiple discounts meet the conditions during booking, all eligible discounts will be applied.

Discounts are only effective when bookings are made through the front-end booking form and do not apply to appointments created via the backend.



Cart (Add-on) – let your clients book several appointments per session by placing them in a cart.

Group Booking (Add-on) – let your clients specify the number of persons they want to book for.

Invoices (Add-on)  send automatic invoices upon each booking.

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